Grace & Gratitude

Thanksgiving Day Benefit Yoga Workshop to support Stepping Stones Arizona.

The bodies and rosy faces just kept coming through the door. The weather came down rainy and cloudy. People jostled each other as they waited for us to sort out their names and cash and run their cards for donations.

I was not prepared for the sheer number of people, and neither was Cheryl. We stood behind the desk in amazement, trying to sign people in and orient our new arrivals as quickly as possible. Only afterward did we think to widen the practice space by moving the shoji screens to fit ten more people in the practice space.

Forty-five people packed into the Lotus Bloom studio, which normally holds eight to eighteen people in one class on any given day. Nine o’clock in the morning on Thanksgiving Day. “Wow, look how many people hate the holidays,” one voice said over the commotion. That comment made me smile. Or I thought people just like yoga.

As I sit here reflecting, I have no idea why people came to class that day or any day, but I do know that they were there for a reason. That morning I joked nervously, “I know you’re not all here to see me.” They humored me and laughed, I smiled and fumbled my way through a few more introductions. They beamed up at me as I found my groove and gave my sermon on Grace and Gratitude.

I might never know someone’s real reason for coming to yoga. Motives interest me less and less, but what I am interested in is helping people get where they want to be going. Asana postures (shapes) are just one way to literally put our bodies on the line. When effort is made in the gesture to know oneself fully, that is a worthy effort. Any gesture put forth on the path of yoga is seen and heard by the universe. It is said that when we take one step towards god, god takes ninety-nine steps toward us. I believe this is true.

Sacred Space

The Reason We Line Up Our Yoga Mats in Class

My yoga teachers taught me how to be a student. These are some of the invaluable lessons (I am still learning):

  1. Listen Deeply: be receptive, be open to learning something new.
  2. Pay Attention and Remember. Mr. Iyenger used to say, “I hope my students make new mistakes.” I take this to mean that making mistakes is part of the process of yoga (and life) and that over time, as we learn, we will start to make new mistakes and learn new things instead of just making the same mistakes over, and over and never learn from them.
  3. Cultivate Discernment, Discrimination, and learn to make clear Distinctions about almost everything in yoga (and life).
  4. Trust Myself. Ultimately I get to say what works and doesn’t work for me, and I have a responsibility to honor my own innate wisdom.
  5. “No Top End,” there’s always more to learn, another octave to leap, different parts of ourselves to observe. The process is endless.
  6. Make Room for Mystery. “I don’t know” is a great place to be, no need to rush toward the answers.

When my first yoga teacher asked me to line up my yoga mat with the person next to me, I did this obediently, I trusted her instruction and it didn’t cost me anything. I learned a sense of spatial awareness so that I became more attuned to who and what was beside, behind, and in front of me.

My training in dance also helped me to listen with more than my ears. I listened with my whole body. I took my cues from the layout of the room—walls, mirrors, windows, door, other people, props, etc. I learned to survey a room the moment I entered and adjust myself accordingly. Part of being a student, for me, was adapting to what any particular space needed at the moment. (This is one of my on-going practices. I am nowhere near perfecting this awareness technique, but I do enjoy the subtlety of paying attention in this way).

Yoga is a process of joining ourselves with a larger perspective—the Divine, our Higher Self—and it’s a process of becoming more aware, more integrated, and remembering who we truly are. Paying attention to how we enter the yoga classroom (or any room) is just another tool for cultivating self-awareness.

“Hidden in every shape, every alignment cue, every “do this” and “don’t do this” is a call to pay attention: first to the shape, then to the placement of our body, then to the actions that activate the posture, then to the effects on our body, mind and mood, and finally to the part of us that watches it all. alignment in yoga is far from an exhaustive list of perfection-oriented details, but is, instead, a call to pay attention to who we are at the increasingly deep and more subtle layers of our being. ”

Christin Sell, “A Deeper Yoga: Moving Beyond Body Image to Wholeness and Freedom,” (pg. 20-21).

Sacred space happens with/through intention. Sacred means “worthy of respect.” First, we honor our bodies in this way. Our physical bodies are sacred, worthy of respect. And the space in which we practice (yoga, meditation, dance, writing, music) is also worthy of respect. We honor ourselves by setting up our space intentionally, just like decorating our homes. We bring love, honor, and respect to the places we call home, starting with our bodies and extending that loving attention outward to our cars, classrooms, and the natural world.

Get your copy of Christina Sell’s new book here. A Deeper Yoga.

Dance as Doorway


Foundation. Fundamental ways of being. Radical: “with deep roots.”

I was three years old when my mom brought me to my first dance class with Janet Bicknese. I remember the mauve and blue chairs we used in lieu of a traditional ballet bar. I remember my pink ballet shoes that I coved and took extra special care of. My sister showed me how to tie my slippers, first to fit my feet, then to cut the laces and hide them on the inside so that the strings wouldn’t show. That’s how the big girls wore them.

We sat in a circle and let our feet say “hello.” Janet played classical piano music from a cassette tape player in the corner. We practiced our leaps across the floor. I believed that I could fly. We practiced plie (to bend), battemont (to beat), fondue (to melt). I’d never eaten fondue, but I’d eaten quesadillas and cheese omelets and I loved melting cheese. I loved my teacher because she put me in the front of the class because I listened well and was attentive to her every word. I loved learning to move my body. I loved the music that made me move.


I loved dancing once I got there. To that little carpeted room in a double-wide with fluorescent lights on the ceiling and no mirrors. Getting to dance class was always a struggle. I remember fighting with my mother. I have no idea why I resisted going to dance class so much. I can only speculate now at age 31. Perhaps it was because I knew I would be asked to try new things, to do things I didn’t know how to do yet. I didn’t like making a fool of myself. I didn’t like the feeling of being awkward and learning new dance steps. It was uncomfortable and sometimes scary. But my love for dance won out. Making shapes with my body. Breathing, laughing, music. The music moved me. I could move and be free and I loved it. So I would eventually get in the car and go to class. I continue to thank my mother to this day for holding that firm line and “making” me go to dance class. [Thanks mom!]

Some girls were mean. They pushed and cut in line. I listened. I wanted to learn. I didn’t interrupt the teacher. I knew this was important. I didn’t know why. Mrs. Bickenese cultivated in me a desire to learn. She made dance fun. The created space for us to explore our bodies through movement. She made falling down okay.

Age seven. Dance with Jan Cavillary. Since I was a quick learner she asked me to into a more advanced ballet class with girls that were nine and eleven. I couldn’t keep up. I switched half-way through the year and when all the other students knew the warm-up routine, I was always on the wrong side, with the opposite foot. Jan taught dance not only as an art but also as a science. She demanded presence. No BS. “No street clothes,” she would chide. Mrs. Cavillary walked like a dancer, feet turned out, spine erect, majestic, stately, like a queen. I believed she was a goddess. She was 5 foot 2 inches tall. She instilled in us a sense of dedication to the craft of dance. Then Jan stopped teaching dance and went on to study Rolfing.

Dance at Donna’s. Age eleven.

I went to try out for point class. This is a big deal in the dance world. First, you have to be old enough so that the bones in your feet art stable. And second, you have to be well-practiced and trained. That day I came into the studio on a Saturday afternoon. There were 30 other young dancers. Turns out I didn’t have the right clothes for try-outs. I didn’t know there was a “uniform.” Black leotard, pink tights, pink shoes, hair in a tight bun on the very top of your head. I wore my favorite purple leotard, black tights, and my white ballet shoes. My hair wasn’t long enough for a bun. One of the older girls was very kind and helped to find me the right clothes. I wore clothes that didn’t belong to me. My hair was plastered to my head with hairspray, and I didn’t know anyone else in the class. I was brave. I finished the tryout. I didn’t make the cut. Even at a young age, I hated feeling unprepared. That’s the moment I “quite” ballet and never looked back.

Donna taught me how I didn’t not want to be.

I found Flamenco dancing at age 12. I learned rhythm, rigor, and timing. Loud, full flamboyant. I developed capacity and strength. I fortified myself to never return to ballet, (although there are some days I play the “What if game” with myself and it never ends well).

I learned partner dancing in middle school ages 13 and 14. African dance at age 18. Hip-hop, Jazz, Tap, Modern, and Contact Improvisation in college. Dance became my life. It was no longer just a hobby, I viewed dance a lifestyle.


The discipline, the craft, the art, the science.

Inhabit the body. “The body is the way in not the way out.”–Lee Lozowick

I took my first public yoga class when I was 17 years old. I studied irregularly for six years. I completed my first yoga teacher training when I was 23. For the past ten years, I have steadily increased my yoga practice. At age 31, it is now something I cannot live without.


The floor as our first “partner.” Not just feet or legs on the floor, but face, breasts, shoulders, elbows, butt, hands, knees.


“How we do one thing is how we do everything.” –Bhavani Silvia Maki

Healing through movement.

Dance taught me how to show up and practice anyway, even when I didn’t “feel” like it. Dance gave me a foundation.

Yoga added the layers of spirituality, heart, Grace, Divine Energy. A bigger, richer, deeper conversation. Psychology. Intentional breath, meditation, mindfulness. Yoga allows me to ask the question, “Who am I?” Over and over.

“I am That,” –Nisirgitatta Maharaj


Through each teacher I have been asked to open, to see, learn, grow, and experience a new aspect of myself. I have been pushed to find a larger picture of connection. I have been offered a new way of savoring the world, this life, this body.

Intention. Move. Close your eyes. Listen.

“The body knows.” This was reinforced by dance and confirmed through yoga training. The importance of rigor and discipline in the context of learning any art or science is necessary.

“Open to Grace.” –John Friend


Cheek to floor. The smell of wood and sweat and the full wall of mirrors. Learning to self-correct. Learning to hear instruction and implement that cue into my own body. Rhythm of the dancers moving together, in syncopation, our bodies making shapes, pulsing with breath, beat, nature. The music. The instructor’s slap. The demand. The attention. The rigor. The discipline for one hour each week. Twice a week. Three times a week. Five days a week, plus Saturday.

Dance as doorway to self and other and Universe.

Slow Down, Soften, Pull Weeds

The best-kept secret that no one ever told me, until now—


Thank you, Dr. M. Scott Peck and his book, The Road Less Traveled, for telling me (us all) the truth.

Life is difficult. Period. AND the fact that “life is difficult” is not a problem and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you (or me). (Parents, please tell your children that life is difficult and that this is OKAY!)

I’ve spent way too many years trying to be perfect because that’s what I thought everybody wanted from me—I lived under the assumption that I had to get it “right” the first time, or else.. or else what? I didn’t pause long enough to think this who thing through.

Recently I was reflecting on my early years as a yoga student (age 17) and how I thought my yoga teachers wanted me to get the instruction the first time they said it. Years later (just last month) I realized that not only did I not “get it” the first time, I wasn’t supposed to understand the instruction right away. I had to let time pass, I had to embody the instruction, I had to live it. I had to mature into a body that could understand.

So moving forward, now as I get to embody being a yoga instructor, I encourage my students to dive into the practice for the “long haul.” A lifetime of learning and embodying the teachings over, and over again.

The truth is we don’t want each other to be perfect, we want each other to be REAL. Yes?

Real is what you get after a long day of hard work—washing dishes, planting and harvesting food, being with children, sitting at a desk answering telephones, cooking, cleaning, wading through the piles of shit, (literal or preverbal)—dirt under your fingernails, sweat between your breasts, an aching back, a stiff neck, a pounding head, tired eyes, hunger pains, and the knowledge that tomorrow you’ll wake up and do it all over again… because this is what it means to be human, and This. Is. Real.

(Note: you’ll also get a taste of Real after long periods of boredom, or gut-buckling laughter, or sobbing really hard).

Why then, you ask, would anyone want to be born just so that they can go through a difficult existence? And isn’t that why we’re all aiming for the day we can “retire”?

Well… yes, and… not really……

There is so much joy that comes with being human. Moments of joy are in harmony with moments of pain. The pain doesn’t have to override the joy. We will experience both. And retirement is a myth in case you’re still diluting yourself.

Let’s use the story of Prince Siddhartha as an example—a prince, protected from all pain and suffering, in a magnificent palace, surrounded by only the most beautiful courtiers and yet, “Something—as persistent as his own shadow—drew him into the world beyond the castle walls.”

Siddhartha wanted more than beauty, riches, and good company. He was called by his higher self to become fully human. We are all called beyond our castle walls—we are not drawn to be perfect, but to be Human, to become more real.

One way to BE with ourselves and with one another is to recognize that everyone we encounter has a broken heart—this is what it is to be human, to have a body, to live on planet Earth, so experience suffering and joy one and then the other over and over again.

I’ve tried to hide my humanness by trying to be perfect when in fact I was scared of being found out, of being real.

The mind is sneaky. It makes up stories and tells all sorts of lies. What are your castle walls hiding? What are you hiding behind? Trying to be perfect, strong, brave, out-going wealthy, poor, or a know-it-all [insert your own word here]?

These are a few simple, tried and true tools that I use to help me RELAX and let go of trying to be perfect (or strong, or brave, or outgoing):

  1. SLOW DOWN in order to really listen to the body, to nature, to others.
  2. SOFTEN because this goes against our natural tendency to “push harder” in order to succeed. (Which is another great topic: “Redefining What Success Means,” which I’ll save for another time.) Softening shifts my old habit patterns. Shifting these patterns changes the way I age and I like this because I want to bring more attention to all parts of my life especially as I grow older.
  3. PULL WEEDS I’ve been pulling up tumbleweeds instead of mowing them down because I want those f*$%#ers gone! Plus there are so many great metaphors for pulling weeds, like, “You need to get to the root of the issue if you want it gone for good.”
Life is difficult and it’s good this way because difficult is not a problem. Really. Difficult is simply what is. Life is sweetness and sorrow together. So I choose to Celebrate life in this body.

Where are you hiding out? Where are you trying to make things better than they are? When we confront our challenges and recognize our own setbacks as tools, teachers, and have gratitude for those things we cannot change, we make space for Love.

“Where gratitude exists, only love exists.” –Arnaud Desjardins.

I slow down. I drive the speed limit. I returned to a paper calendar with little, tiny squares where I “plan” my day. I meditate first thing in the morning rather than go for a run.  I read novels.

I soften. I listen more and (try to) talk less. I eat more cheese and bread. I grow my hair long and wear it down. I don’t wear much make-up.

I pull weeds. Literally. I do my own dishes and take out the trash and cook more. I read cookbooks. I get my hands dirty and walk barefoot on the earth. I build a house.

Daily Rhythm

Dinacharya is a Sanskrit word that means, “Following the rhythm of the day.” Like a metronome, what we do consistently every day sets the rhythm for our life, whether we are conscious of it or not. I started studying Ayurveda many years after I completed my first yoga teacher training. I was looking for something that would help me find peace of mind and bring some semblance of balance into my life. That’s when Ayurveda found me. Ayurveda means, “The science of living,” which is a 5,000-year-old science that comes from India and takes its cues from Great Nature. What I discovered was that “balance” looks more like wobbling back and forth and all around rather than poise, or serenity, a fixed point on a spectrum.

What I continue to learn about my own organic nature in relationship to the Universal Nature, is that what I do every day matters. Not the grand gestures but the little things like brushing my teeth twice a day, hydrating first thing in the morning and eliminating my bowels fully (so that I’m not walking around full of sh** all day) meditating for 22 minutes, doing a 10-minute yoga asana practice, journaling for 10 solid minutes every day, and consistently eating three meals a day between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM and not snacking. We’re talking the brick-and-mortar of “yoga,” of life, of every single day no matter where I am on planet earth.   I follow the rhythm of the day, for example, I go to bed when the sun goes down (more or less) and I eat warm foods in Winter, and my whole body becomes more intuitive, resilient, and intelligent. I become more natural. It may seem so simple, but when I fight the urge to go to bed when I feel tired, I create dis-ease in my body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurveda tells us that diseases are generated at the junctions of the season, the moments when one season changes into another. –Dr. Robert Svoboda, Ayurveda for Women: a guide to vitality and health

The teachings of Ayurveda remind us that it is better to engage in daily activities which prevent illness before it occurs. As practitioners of yoga and students of life we are encouraged to live in a way that allows optimum flow of energy/prana/life force.

The Three Pillars of Dinacharya: 

  1. Body—a healthy flow of energy in the body, mind, and spirit allows each human time and space to rest, digest, and reset/rebalance. Drink plenty of water first thing in the morning to have a complete elimination, eat your food in a relaxed manner, with gratitude, sitting down, aim to be in bed before 10 PM to give the digestive system a chance to detox naturally. (Read Dr. Claudia Welch’s book Balance Your Hormones for more on this topic.)
  2. Mind—as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali states, Yoga Chitta Vrtti Nirodha, “Yoga is the cessation of all self-limiting thoughts, patterns and tendencies within our personal energy field,” Bhavani Silvia Maki.
  3. Spirit—”A living human being is a body-mind-spirit complex. Each part of you—organs, tissues, skeleton, nervous system, emotions, mind and others—possesses its own form of awareness, and each of these awarenesses relates together,” writes Dr. Svoboda in his book, Ayurveda for Woman, (p. 15). When start to pay attention to our bodies a whole world of awareness opens up. When we start to heed the signs that our bodies give us, we start to trust our own Great Nature.

As with any path of yoga, it’s life-long. Be gentle, go slow, and have faith. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

If you’re curious about how you might align more fully with nature’s rhythms these are my own favorite resources. Find out more with Banyan Botanicals, Dr. Claudia Welch, and Dr. Robert Svoboda.