The Importance of Saying F*** It

Inspired by “The Importance of Saying F*ck It” by Natasha Blank

As Steven Pressfield writes in The War of Art, “We’re wrong if we think we’re the only ones struggling with Resistance. Everyone who has a body experiences Resistance.” (pg.13)
Thank you, Natasha Blank, for reminding me that I don’t need to wait until I have “time” and “space” to dance. I don’t need a cushion to meditate, or hiking boots to be outside. The things in my life are secondary to the heart—it’s unsightly to fit myself into a box. People need to breathe!
Thank you for your courage to do something you don’t want to do because this example is teaching me how to persevere. I get it now, I don’t need anything else to be me.
Visit Natasha Blank’s article in Elephant Journal here.
@djtashblank #djtashblank