Yoga Asana Play at Home

1 door, 2 straps, and your sticky mat.

Here are some fun tools to use to upgrade your asana experience in your own home.


What you’ll need: 2 straps (or scarves or belts) and a working door!

  • 1 + 2 Uttanasana, standing forward fold: secure the strap around your waist and fold forward.
  • 3 Adho Mukha Svanasana, downward facing dog, walk feet away from your hands and stretch forward, breath fully into your back, feel how the strap helps hold your hips. Stretch your spine.
  • 4 Parvottanasana, pyramid posture, place strap around the top of your back thigh, step your front foot forward, and fold any amount. Back toes point toward the front corner of you yoga mat.
  • 5 Uttita Trikonasana, fully stretched out triangle posture, align your back foot parallel to the back edge of your mat, position your feet 3.5 feet apart, and point your front toes forward. Pull up on your knee caps and hinge at your hips.
  • 6 Virabhadrasana II, Warrior II, loop the strap around your upper back thigh, bend into your front knee, and hold the strap for ease.
  • Standing back arch, place the strap down low on your back on your sacrum near you tailbone, bend your knees, inhale lift your chest, exhale and lean back without collapsing your back (especially your lower spine).
  • Urdhva Dhanurasna, upward facing bow pose (also known as “wheel”), this is for the advanced practitioners to help you with your “drop backs.”
